How to Black out Text on Discord? (3 Easy Tricks)

Have you seen some people send black-out text messages on Discord and when you tap on the message, then the text gets visible? Well, if you want to learn how to black out text on Discord, this guide is for you, keep reading.

How to Black out Text on Discord
Black Out Text on Discord

Basically, it is a Discord feature using which you can send hidden text messages inside a black box. This is a very useful feature to send discord spoiler text messages just like the Discord Spoiler Image feature.

You can easily send black-out text on discord by typing “/Spoiler This is a spoiler text message” into the chat. Also, “||This is a spoiler text message||” is another discord spoiler text command you can use to send hidden blacked-out messages in Discord.

It was a quick tutorial here, let’s learn three different easy methods to black out text on Discord Mobile & PC to send Discord Spoiler Text. Let’s get started with the first method.


How to Black out Text on Discord? (3 Easy Tricks)

Well, there are a couple of different methods to send spoiler texts on Discord. Depending upon what device you are using the Discord app on, you can use any of our methods to black out text on Discord.

How to Black out Text on Discord

Whether you are using Discord on PC or on a Mobile app. Here we are going to share 3 easy different methods using which you can send Discord redacted text. Let’s start with our first method.

1. Spoiler Text Feature

If you are using the Discord app on PC, then you can use the inbuilt Discord feature to hide text messages before you hit the send button.

Basically, all you have to do is type in your message into the chatbox & you don’t have to directly send it. Instead, now use your mouse to select your text. Also, you can just double-tap using the mouse around the text. But do not use the ‘Ctrl+A’ keyboard shortcut, as the trick won’t work in that case.

How to Black out Text on Discord Mobile

When the text gets selected/highlighted, you’ll see a couple of more options in a floating window. Here you can customize your text as Italic, Bold & all other regular stuff. But you need to click on that eye button, this will make your text hidden, to other users and you can now hit the send button.

2. ‘/Spoiler’ Command

There are a lot of commands that you can type into the Discord chats to control bots or to use any Discord feature. In case you are not on a computer, then the eye button trick would not work there.

So if you want to know how to black out text on Discord Mobile, you can use a very short command to spoiler text on the chats. All you need to do is simply, type ‘/Spoiler’ before your text and this will convert your message into a spoiler text message. For e.g, ‘/Spoiler Hey, Iron man is coming back’.

discord redacted text

Just type ‘/Spoiler yourmessage’ and send it into the chats. This is a shortcut command using which you can use the Discord Spoiler Text Generator Feature easily on the Discord Mobile app.

3. ||Vertical Bar|| Message

If you have used the above-mentioned methods till now, you already know that when you use the eye button to generate spoiler text, the text gets wrapped between ‘||’. It is called ‘Vertical Bar’ on the computer keyboard keys.

how to spoiler text on discord mobile

So if you are on Discord mobile or even on a computer, instead of using the Eye button spoiler attachment feature, you can directly surround your message with ‘||’ two vertical bars and then send it in the chats.

This is one direct way by using which you can easily send hidden or black-out spoiler text messages on the Discord Mobile & PC app.


What is Discord Blackout Mode?

Discord blackout text is a feature you can use to hide your messages in a black box in the chat. When someone taps on it, only then they’ll be able to see your hidden or spoiler message.

How to Use Discord Spoiler Text Generator?

If you want to hide each letter in a separate blackout mode, you can use Discord Spoiler Text Generator which easily generates your message with each letter surrounded with “||”.

How to Spoiler Text on Discord Mobile?

To spoiler text on Discord mobile, you can use the Discord spoiler text generator to spoiler every letter of your message. Else, you can just type your message starting with /Spoiler command or surround it with “||”.


The black-out text feature on the platform is one of the very useful features of Discord. Not most of these social media sites have such awesome spoiler attachment features.

In this quick guide, you got to learn three different ways how to blackout text in discord mobile & computer. If this guide was useful, do let me know your opinion in the comments.

This was it for today’s tutorial on how to black out text on Discord Mobile & PC app. You can easily use this trick to Discord hide messages from users. For more awesome Discord & Gaming content, do subscribe to our notifications.

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